The Battalion Partners with Ultimate Drill Book

The Battalion is excited to announce a new partnership with Ultimate Drill Book! The corps will start using UDB's products immediately to begin prepping for the 2019 season.
"We're so excited to partner with Ultimate Drill Book," said corps director Katherine Steinacker. "This partnership will allow our members to learn and perfect their drill with the best tools available to them. We are excited for the possibilities available because of this incredible resource!"
As part of the agreement The Battalion will have access to the UDBapp, the newest tool for digital drill learning, and custom printed dot books for the members of the corps.
"As an educational staff, this system is going to help us get the information the students need quickly and more efficiently," said visual caption head Josh Jensen. "The students will have access to what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, enabling them to take their education into their own hands. From a pedagogy standpoint, it's a win-win for us."
To learn more about UDB's product offerings, visit